March: Month of the Butt!

Why hello there! Welcome to my awesome new blog. I call this The Girl Who Hates Running because, well, I hate running. If you want to read more about the story behind this blog, check out the About Me page, but otherwise, you probably already know who I am because I might have bugged you to check out my new blog. Tee hee, thanks!

Anyway, here goes. In my personal pole dancing blog Oh Miss Folly, I would set monthly workout challenges for myself (and whoever wanted to get on board with me). Every month I’d focus on a certain body part or on improving a certain workout. Last month was Yoga Core month and it did pretty well despite a short period where I pulled a neck muscle (again) and was out for a week. After attending a couple of Yoga Core sessions, I immediately could see the difference in my form AND found myself able to do a great deal of core-focused pole tricks. I’d never been this strong, ever. In short, Yoga Core February was a success!

I’d like to kick off the blog with my challenge for March: The Butt.

This all started when I attended a Crossfit trial class on Sunday, and the instructor Melvin got me interested when he went on and on about how air squats and all the other fundamental stuff in Crossfit would eventually lead to having an awesome ass. I’m really bad at squats (least favourite part of any warm-up) but was ‘forced’ to do it as part of the WOD. So heck, why not continue?

My fellow fit-fanatic pal Faye shared this cool Squats Challenge from the-iron-angel on Tumblr. Check it out. It says “February” but we can ignore that, because this challenge is timeless (and only for 28 days)!


And for those who are bored of doing just one thing a month (like myself), as it turns out, some of my favourite Yoga poses are also great for your tush. Find out how to get into them here (thanks Shape!).


Aww yeah warrior poses!! (I stil struggle into them on my weaker days, and on my right side. Yeowch.)

Okay, let’s try to not get too ambitious! In the meantime, I’ll work on the squats and let you know how it goes. Hello, cramped thighs, we will be best friends for the next month.

Parting shot, a picture of my butt at present. (For comparison’s sake in a month’s time!)

A bit dark but you get the idea...

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