It’s Time For… Super Splits September!!

In order to avoid getting my life back to normal after my competitions (hahaha), I have decided to keep the momentum going by setting pole goals and challenges for the rest of the year with my friends! Because, you know, you shouldn’t be working hard only before a competition/tourney. It should be a daily practice.

So, like the title of this post states, I have declared this month Splits September because I want to work on improving my hamstring flexibility. During the competition training, I must have injured my left hamstring really badly, and despite rounds and rounds of acupuncture sessions, I simply could not get my left splits past a 90 degree angle without almost screaming in pain. Now that I have the time, I plan to visit a legit sports physiotherapist to get the muscle fixed, and then work on strengthening related leg muscles so I don’t get injured so damn often! Oh, yes, and did I mention I would be going to stretch into perfect splits every day for the month?

Coincidentally, a new friend from Sydney also added me into a really cool Splits Facebook group that requires us to post a splits photo every single day for the month. Talk about motivation in numbers (and peer pressure)!

The girls getting flexxy leggy at pole practice!

This month, the challenge will be to start squaring my hips and getting my legs 100% straight. It’s not so much so that I can do pretty splits on the floor; it also becomes a lot easier to get into certain pole tricks.

And as you can see from the picture above, it’s a lot more fun when this is a group effort so if you haven’t already done so, be sure to join me on this monthlong challenge! I’m currently documenting effective stretching and conditioning exercises for splits, and will post a few favourites weekly so you can give them a shot too. If you are looking to improve your splits, why not jump on the bandwagon for some daily splittin’ action. πŸ™‚

In the meantime, here are my other pole goals for the rest of the year:

1. Achieve a bendier back and possibly get my foot to touch my head. πŸ™‚
2. Identify and define my personal dance style.
3. The Iron Maiden (basically the scariest trick ever)
4. A deadlift at least once
5. A complete free dance on a 45mm brass pole, followed by a 45mm chrome pole.

It’s been a good pole year so far, here’s to pushing on and keeping our eyes on the prize (whatever the prize may be: new tricks, new wins, better strength/flexbility, more confidence). Keep on keeping on, folks, the journey has only just begun. ❀

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